Four renowned authors, Robert B. Parker, Michael Brandman, Reed Farrel Coleman, and Mike Lupica, have written the book series Jesse Stone.
Jesse Stone Books in order (20 Books)
- Night Passage (1997)
- Trouble in Paradise (1998)
- Death in Paradise (2001)
- Stone Cold (2003)
- Sea Change (2005)
- High Profile (2007)
- Stranger in Paradise (2008)
- Night and Day (2009)
- Split Image (2010)
- Killing The Blues (2012)
- Fool Me Twice (2013)
- Damned If You Do (2013)
- Blind Spot (2014)
- The Devil Wins (2015)
- Debt to Pay (2016)
- The Hangman’s Sonnet (2017)
- Colorblind (2018)
- The Bitterest Pill (2019)
- Fool’s Paradise (2020)
- Stone’s Throw (2021)